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Michael Howley Photography

01977 683000/ 07963 978 314


15 March 2020 - Corona Virus

It does make you wonder where we will be in a few short months’ time. University students will be leaving the safe, cloistered environment of college life eager to enter the world of employment. It is possible that graduation ceremonies will have to be cancelled or postponed to help contain this virus.

The same will apply to school leavers, the issues is, will there be employment opportunities available? In order to survive, companies need to train and build upon the skills of their workforce, all being well companies will consider the realities and act responsibly particularly given the fact our nation has an ageing workforce. .

Looking on the bright side, our government believe that the virus will have peaked and that things will start to ease. Hopefully they are right and life should be beginning to return to a passable resemblance to normal. On the other side, many companies may close down and employment opportunities may be relatively scarce. We can only wait and see.

Those students who intend to travel may encounter other difficulties. Assuming that airlines and hotels survive a further obstacle may be the willingness of countries allowing entry to tourists, particularly those that intend to explore their country.

All being well, the world will not change, employment will be abundant and life will be as we know it.  

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